Mon 27 Jan
【 Morning Special 】 Non-Rushed Time💋 SaRaH GoLD【 E.X.O.T.I.C * M.I.X.X.X 】💋 New Look/New Pics BOYS - 24
(Newport/Middletown/surroun areas, Providence)
Luscious Irresistibly Enticing Natural 40 DDD's!! Picture Perfect Package! discreet incalls - 34
**NEW**SuPeR HoT —specials ((( •♥• STuNNiNG Blonde BaRBiE •♥• )))——— - 20
(, Warwick Coventry greenwich)
New Pics ** New Pics** A Little Bit Of Everything With A Touch Of Class!! in/out 401 431 3502 - 32
(, prov/ ma/casinos)
★ ★ _ *N_O_T_H_I_N_G* _ _*L_E_S_S*_ _*T_H_A_N*_ _*T_H_E*_ _*B_E_S_T*_ ★ - 20
(Providence/Casino Friendly)
💋MS BELLA BANKS the Italian SWEETHEART💋 ⭐️the BBW of your dreams⭐️ specials!!! - 22
(, Pawtucket incall)
MASSAGE**====== BEST===*===Sexy ===*===ASIAN ===*===GIRL ===*== ===*===Sweet ======** - 22
(, OUT CALL ONLY 401-654-9015)
Look no further gentleman, call me for the adult fun you been searching for 🍒💄💣 - 30
(Providence, Providence/Pawtucket)
*NEW PICS* Sexy erotic Italian.*READY TO SATISFY YOUR EVERY NEED! *specials!!** - 23
(, Warwick INCALL only 508*663*9068)
*~^*~^~*^~*new and available pix ARE 1000% ME *~^*~^*~^*~^ - 24
(, serving all of RI pawt prov warwick cf)
Mixed sexy exotic fun amazing clean manicured upscale petite big breasts nice booty. Whew - 19
(, Outcalls. . . . . . . . . .)
Misz brown sugar yess im LATINA & ready to play come check me out 70 100 specials all daynight long - 21
(, warwick providence incalls)
💋LOVEly + Lu$T__Juicy Fruit__ PYT!💞 t1ght n pretty 👠👙 C. L. Ass. Y - - new P! CS - 24
(, SOUTH Cnty, Warwick, Providence)
Lollipop special 😜$100...They call me Lovable Laura 🍭🏡Here to fulfill all of your wild fantasies💋 and fetishes - 25
(, Providence - INCALL - (978) 489-8494)
Last Morning Here Play Exotic Bottom $80 Leaving @ noon - 19
(, Cranston / providence incalls both)
🍬❌🍬Let Me Fulfill Your Fantasies!!! 🍬❌🍬I Will Be Your New Addiction!!🍬💋🍬💋 - 32
(Providence, Providence and surrounding areas)
Last DAY!! Lay Back and Relax with a Sweet Sexy Melanie Real Pics No Rush TER Reviewed! - 23
♥ JAWDRO PPING ♥ ULTiMATE GFE ♥ V- e- R- y= S-k-I -l- L-e -D ♥ - - 21
(pawtucket and sourrounding areas)
Look no further gentleman, call me for the adult fun you been searching for 🍒💄💣 - 30
(Providence, Providence/Pawtucket)
It's A Beautiful NIGHT!(Cuddle Season) Jump Start It Off RIght With K A R M E N~Latina Caliente~* - 28
(, Warwick in/out Merry Christmas daddy)
LOOK NO FURTHER ** Sweet, SexXy, SeduCtive --$ OutCalls Only $ - 23
(, Where ever you want me to be RHODE ISLAN)
LADIES LOOK!! trading tattoos and piercings for services - 35
(, providence... westminster and dean)
IN & OUT CALLS! Pleasure in bunches relax and let me go to work ! 401-585-1774;) - 25
(, Warwick hotel)
💥💥👄last day intown b4 summer vacation enjoy my curves specials all day💦👅👄💋 - 34
(, Rhode Island private incalls)
**LABOR DAY SPECIAL**..*FREE LINGERIE PARTY* wit HOT BABes..Sunday Night 8pm-2am... - 23
(, 754 Branch ave Providence Ri)
(¯`'.¸ ★ § _ K_ i_ L _ L _§ *° B Y O N D °*M A S U R »- (¯`'.¸ ★ - 21
(pawtucket sorrounding areas)
H€yy gentlemen your S€×Y sweetthang Jasmine hea wanna play? 💓💓👅💦💦 ive got wat you need👅 - 23
(Providence, Providence,Warwick(INCALLS ONLY))
H€yy gentlemen your S€×Y sweetthang Jasmine hea wanna play??$0$pecials ve got wat you need👅 - 23
(Providence, Providence,Warwick(INCALLS ONLY))